Speech of the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Egypt Georgy Borisenko during the reception on the occasion of Russia’s National Day

By – hasnaa refaat

Dear Egyptian friends!

Dear colleagues from the diplomatic corps!

Thank you so much for joining us this evening at the Russian Embassy to celebrate the Day of Russia. It is the main holiday for the largest country in the world, which stretches across eleven time-zones covering all of Eurasia – from the Baltic Sea in the West to the Bering Strait in the East.

One can say that the Russian Federation is a young state existing in its current form since 1991. However, as a matter of fact Russian statehood dates back around twelve centuries. Of course, it is not as long as the seven thousand years of Egypt, but our history is also filled with events of global importance.

Many times foreign intruders attempted to conquer and vanquish Russia. It also suffered from domestic unrest and for long had to leave parts of its historic territory. Nevertheless every time our country re-emerged, becoming stronger and helping others to overpower various sorts of colonizers. It was the case in the nineteenth century when we defeated the army of French emperor Napoleon and in the twentieth century the same fate awaited Hitler’s Nazi Germany.

Today once again Russia confronts the latest contenders for global dominance led by the United States. Our armed forces are fighting the war machine of the entire NATO, defending and liberating our land from the Nazis newly raised by the Western civilization. Not only do we protect Russian interest but also the right of all nations to live according to their traditions and not under Washington’s dictates.

Despite unprecedented sanctions imposed by those trying to drag the world back to colonial times, our country faces the future with great confidence. We continue to develop our national economy and broaden cooperation with friends in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Russians are particularly proud of their long friendship with Egypt. This year we celebrate an important milestone – eighty years since the establishment of diplomatic relations. Our countries are bound by the bilateral Treaty on Comprehensive Partnership and Strategic Cooperation, which exemplifies the highest level of our mutual understanding and trust. We work together to strengthen stability in the Middle East and North Africa.

Russia helps Egypt to construct its first nuclear power-plant, supports its food security with stable wheat supplies. The number of our tourists coming here to enjoy Egyptian hospitality is growing and the same applies to Egyptians going to Russia to study at our universities.

On the occasion of the Russian National Day I wish our partners in Egypt and friends from other countries every success in your endeavors, peaceful skies and sunny mood. I am sure that with joint efforts we shall overcome any difficulties and make the world a better place.

Thank you for your attention. The celebration goes on.

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