100 صحيفة تهتم بحصول الزميل إسماعيل رفعت على الماجستير في ترسيم دوائر برلمان ما بعد 2013 وانتخابات سيناء ووزراء يهنئون/MA Journalist Ismail Refaat Constituencies in the Sinai
The translated version is below/ماجستير الجغرافيا السياسية نوقش بحضور الوزير د.أسامة العبد وسكرتير عام نقابة الصحفيين وأمين عام الشئون الدينية بحماة وطن الشيخ أحمد تركي ورؤساء تحرير وشخصيات عامة
— أ.د عمر محمد علي محمد (@dr_m1967) August 26, 2022
كتبت – حسناء رفعت

ألبوم لكواليس المناقشة
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الخليج 360 .. لفتح الخبر اضغط (هنا).
ترجمة ملخص الرسالة: 👇👇👇
Constituencies in the Sinai Peninsula
(Study in Geopolitics)
Journalist and researcher Ismail Refaat, journalist at Youm7 Foundation and newspaper, obtained a master’s degree in geopolitical studies, with an excellent grade, in the first scientific thesis to form parliamentary electoral districts after 2013 on political grounds that prevent groups from manipulating the state.
Geopolitics has witnessed a significant development in the research curriculum, which has influenced the direction of its objectives and methods of dealing with multiple topics, and has proceeded rapidly towards more in-depth and analytical studies, including the geography of elections, which is the geographically applied branch of geopolitics, which is concerned with examining factors affecting voter behaviour and the impact of the surrounding environment on the orientation of such behaviour, in other words examining the spatial variance and extrapolation of electoral behaviour of voters, as well as diagnosing and stabilizing factors affecting election results and geographical analysis, and sometimes even attempting to Predicting these results in advance against a set of key factors studied by geographer in its analysis of this phenomenon.
The study included four chapters, introductions and introductions, a conclusion and indexes of sources, references and topics from the introduction, which include the reasons for the selection of the subject, previous studies and the objectives of the study, including the introduction, the introduction of the election process, and the geography of the elections (their development and construction).
100 newspapers interested in fellow Ismail Rifaat’s obtaining a master’s degree in demarcating the post-2013 parliament districts, and ministers congratulating
The first chapter addressed the geographical factors affecting the division of electoral districts in the Sinai Peninsula by studying the natural factors affecting the division of electoral districts in terms of geographical location and spatial relations and identifying the shape, area and surface appearances in the Sinai Peninsula and the characteristics of climate and soil, in addition to studying the human factors affecting the division of electoral districts by studying both the distribution of human settlement centers in the Sinai Peninsula, population size, population density, population composition, cultural factors, security factors and To quantify the geographical factors affecting the elections.
The second chapter highlighted the election process and its geographical controls by examining both the geography and controls of the elections and introducing the election process and its geography and the methods of study in the geography of the elections and the process of determining electoral districts and the transformations witnessed in egypt’s electoral map.
A study in political geography to examine the formation of parliamentary electoral districts after 2013 on political grounds that prevent groups from manipulating the state
The third chapter focused on the division of electoral districts in Sinai in terms of examining both the foundations of the construction and controls of the division of electoral districts in the Sinai Peninsula, the features of the Sinai Peninsula constituencies, the geographical distribution of participants in the 2015-2016 elections, the distribution of electoral centers in the 2015 elections, the advantages and disadvantages of the administrative division of constituencies in the Sinai Peninsula and the distribution of political forces to electoral districts in sinai.
Chapter 4 examined the future map of the electoral map in the Sinai Peninsula in light of Egypt’s vision 2030 by examining both the problems of parliamentary elections in the Sinai Peninsula, the link between Egyptian development and national security, sinai’s strategic importance, a future map of development in the Sinai Peninsula and future planning of the electoral map in sinai.
The study was decorated with a conclusion in which the student presented the most important findings in the research, and the study ends with the presentation of sources and references, and the index of topics.
c.v الكاتب الصحفي الدكتور إسماعيل رفعت .. سيرة صحفية تختلط بالدراسات الأكاديمية
إسماعيل رفعت إبراهيم إسماعيل = معهد البحوث والدراسات العربية
A letter dealing with the demarcation of the parliament’s districts on civil bases after 2013, away from groups, with a formation suitable for the Sinai Peninsula, by journalist Ismail Rifaat
المستشار القانوني تامر أبوطالب يهنئ الصحفي إسماعيل رفعت بالحصول على الماجستير في الجغرافيا السياسية
رسالة تتناول ترسيم دوائر البرلمان على أسس مدنية بعد 2013 بعيدا عن الجماعات بتشكيل يناسب شبه جزيرة سيناء للصحفي إسماعيل رفعت
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17 ألف مادة صحفية، لمشاهدتها اضغط (هنا)